Does training in evidence based practice make clinicians better decision makers?

Jennifer Hanratty highlights a recent cross-sectional study on evidence-based practice, disruptive behaviour disorders, training & clinical decision making.

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Music therapy for neglected children: can music therapy improve the parent-child relationship?

In this blog, Nuala Livingstone considers an interesting study with Randomized Controlled Trials design, which looks at the effect of music therapy treatment on parent-child interactions.

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Can computers replace therapists? Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy for pain in children

Compuer CBT can be accessed anywhere

New bloggers Tania Bosqui and Julie Brown highlight a systematic review from 2010 on (computerised cognitive behavioural therapy) cCBT for chronic pain in children.

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Face-to-face psychotherapy for chronic pain in children and adolescents: Cochrane review calls for better primary research

Lisa Burscheidt summarises a recent Cochrane review of psychotherapy for chronic pain in children and adolescents, which concludes that psychological therapies should be considered as a treatment, but better primary studies are needed to help steer pain management decisions.

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The dark side of universal prevention: Limited effectiveness and harmful effects of classroom-based CBT in preventing adolescent depression

Depression is a common problem in adolescence, with statistics showing that around 20% of young people will go through at least one clinically depressive episode by the age of 18 years. Given the significant impairment and deleterious consequences of depression, sustained efforts have been dedicated to preventive and early intervention. In a recent large trial [read the full story…]